Posts Tagged ‘music and marketing’

Music is a big part of our daily lives. We carry it around with us, let it fire us up before the big game and we make it a large part of many traditional ceremonies. However, one of the most prominent roles that music plays today is in entertainment, movies, TV, radio, but more specifically in advertisements.

Apple has been at the forefront of many musical commercial successes in the last decade. But, if you’ve been paying attention you would be able to notice that most major brands use music in their advertisements. It’s not because of the money, at least not on the expense side. It’s about music’s role in advertising.

You see music has the power to change moods, entertain and even help you recall your product when you reach the store. However, when coupled with picture in a congruent way music will work double time. It is this insight that brands must make sure that music in their advertisements match what their brand stands for.

I’ll leave you with a quote from Steve Karmen (composer of many classic jingles) “You don’t hum the announcer”.


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